welcome to wefex services

8B Nurat Bakare Estate Agungi Lekki Phas

Corrosion Control & Management

Our Corrosion Control team of engineers and technicians are committed to accurate data collection, professional client representation, and proficient documentation and report generation.

Our corrosion protection services include

Cathodic Protection Systems (Surveys, Inspections and Design)
Sacrificial/Impressed current (deep groundbed and conventional) Anodes Installation
Chemical and Mechanical Cleaning of oil & gas facilities (Hydro Testing etc.)
Pipeline Coating Surveys (ECDA, DCVG, CIPS, PCM, ACVG, Pearson etc.)
Blasting and Coating Services.

Corrosion Treatment

WEFEX in conjunction with our partners carry out services on cor rosion treatment. We ensure that we give the best treatment at all times while minimizing cost and not compromising on the quality rendered.

We carry out the following pipe repairs and maintenance;

  1. Permanent repair of corroded pipelines under pressure ranging from 4" to 56"
  2. Temporary repair of leaks under low and high pressure, up to 80 bars, ranging from 4" to 56" without a shutdown.
  3. Reinforcement, repair and maintenance of damaged pipes and Preventive coating.
  4. Corrosion control, surface preparation and treatment of metals, vessel, separators, pipes and structural members.

What our clients says about us



there customer service was very okay. i love the property so much it was exactly what i wanted to get. Thanks a lot

David Oses house